July 11th Girls Inc Summer Session
Girls Inc Summer Session with Angi Dean of Southern Belle Construction
Another fabulous Girls Inc. of Bay County summer session was held on July 11th by Angi Dean of Southern Belle Construction, along with her children. Angi organized Jenga competitions to teach the importance of starting with a firm foundation in both building and life. The girls participated in skits that portrayed real-life scenarios as builders and small business owners, highlighting the difficult decisions made daily that test character. Angi also spoke about defining your “why” when making life decisions, such as choosing a career.
Angi’s son, Isaac, and her daughter, Scarlett, performed a singing duet as part of her “why” for becoming a contractor and small business owner. They have a small band and are close in age to the girls. Angi explained that her “why” is the freedom of time to spend with her children and family, as well as the financial freedom to provide for them. The session concluded with an ice cream cone party and Target “You Go Girl” gift cards for everyone.
Thank you Angi, Scarlett & Isaac!
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